WEB3 Blockchain and Decentralized ID authentication solution

We provide innovative solutions to build a world-leading, advanced Decentralized ID system.

 KSDID Wallet

Decentralized ID integrated electronic wallet


Blockchain-based key management technology and DID technology safely manages identity and data and provides powerful Web3 e-wallet technology for industrial and business areas to resolve the inconvenience of real ID or certificate and improve customer convenience.

Core technology

• Support all common key types and verification methods used in DID ecosystems
• Decentralized ID-based electronic wallets that can be interoperable and reusable
• Verified self-sovereign distributed ID identity authentication
• Provides encryption and access control functions to safely store issued DID and identity information

Global standard

• Comply with European identity standards promoted by EBSI
• Developed by DID and certificate according to the W3C standard

By establishing a digital wateret and identity authentication system, an individual uses a Decentralized ID (DID) service that strengthens self -sovereign identity, and companies can build a WEB3 ecosystem paradigm through Decentralized ID technology.

KSDID H-Resolver

Decentralized ID Hierarchical Universal Resolver


In order to ensure interoperability between Decentralized ID systems, information identification and verification information of the analyzer is managed and the scalability is provided to be used in conjunction with hierarchical interpretation.

Core technology

• DI standard integrated analyzer (universal resolver/registrar) access management function
• DI standard integrated analyzer (Universal Resolver/Registrar) State Management function

Technical certification 

• GS software quality certification grade 1 (22-0251)
• Venture window industry innovation procurement products (No. 2022-08-0058)
• Designation of excellent information security technology in 2023 (Ministry of Science and Technology Information and Communication)
• Domestic standard registration (TTAK.KO-12.0394)

Decentralized ID documents for Decentralized ID analyzers, registration management, access control management, and change information update, and maintenance and management of Decentralized ID analysts are performed, and access rights are available.


High-speed key-storage database


Database system that provides fast data search and processing speed with high-performance K-V database driven by direct key indexing and in-memory caching architecture to solve the processing speed and storage scalability problem of large-scale blockchain data.

Core technology

• Double in-memory caching technology development and application
• O (1) Performance implementation (※ O (𝑛)> O (𝑛𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑛))
• Hybrid Architecture (2B+/LSM structure)

Technical certification

• GS software quality certification grade 1 (23-022)
• Venture window industry innovation procurement product (No. 2023-10-0041)

Performance Certification

• KOLAS test certification (TGS-A-22-547)
• (GET performance) 1,000x faster than RDBMS (mySQL)
• (PUT performance) 3x faster than RDBMS (mySQL)
Technical certification

High-speed K-V database based on Direct Key Index technology, which is suitable for use in distributed environments and provides high performance in applications that handle large data in the cloud environment and provide services in real time.

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 KSDID Chain

High -performance enterprise blockchain solution


By providing blockchain core infrastructure centering on blockchain source technology It provides a development environment that allows you to quickly and easily run and expand blockchain applications.

Core technology

By changing the configuration of each individual based on the active verification of the nodes in the asynchronous network environment, key management security, data encryption, and flexible scalability based on the availability, active agreement, and verification of data by changing their own configuration.

Technical certification 

• High-performance transaction processing speed and flexible scalability
• Strong security
• Apply node participation, key management security, data encryption, and personal information protection technology
• 2.5 times TPS performance and 100 to 600 times fast block generation

Based on its independent algorithms, blockchain core is provided and applied to various industrial areas to provide new experiences with Web3 blockchain -based security technology and next -generation technology innovation